Juice Diet Recipes For Weight Loss

Are you looking for juice diet recipes for weight loss? You have come to the right place as we have a number of juicing recipes that shall help you stay fitter and healthier while losing all the extra pounds from your body. Here are some of the most amazing yet simple recipes for you. Try them and have fun while losing weight.

  • Slim It Down Juice

This juice is perfect for the people who wish to lose their weight as fast as possible. You only need to take half a cucumber, 1 small apple, half beetroot and 4 to 5 medium sized carrots. Wash all these veggies and fruits properly and make sure that you peel them off before youse. Chop them roughly and then put in a blender or a juicer. Add just a little ginger in order to make it a little spicy. You are all set to slim down daily with this juice.

  • Grapefruit and orange mania

Grapefruits are known to help you in losing weight while orange will boost a number of antioxidants in your body. Mixing them both together is a sure shot recipe for successful weight loss. Just take 3-4 oranges and one grapefruit, add some ice and blend it finely. Drink a perfect juice that has a very high Vitamin C content.

  • Apple Celery and Carrot

This is another juice that offers low-calorie intake but a fuller stomach. Start by adding 2 carrots, 2 apples and 2 celery sticks in the blender or juicer jar. Now, you just need to add 2 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice. Blend it all, nicely. Then add a little ice and blend again. You are ready with a refreshingly healthy and delicious juice for yourself.

  • The cleansing broth

Take 2to 3 medium sized carrots. Add 2 celery sticks and 2 beets. Then, add one turnip. Top it up with half a bunch of spinach and add a fourth of a parsley bunch. Add 3-4 kale leaves. Finally, add at least half an onion, half a cabbage head and then 2-3 cloves of garlic. This is the ultimate recipe that you will need for detoxification. However, this time, you need to blend then roughly and then boil the ingredients for enjoying the perfect detoxification drink. It is one of the best juice diet recipes for weight loss that shall enhance your metabolism and keep you feeling light and healthy always.