Go Natural-Natural Weight Loss Remedies


People are worried about being overweight and they try anything from extreme exercise to proteins diets or even drugs to reduce weight. But there is another way out, considering the natural weight loss remedies which are a way cheaper as compared to the traditional methods of weight loss. In this article, we suggest some natural weight loss remedies that will be helpful for you.

Natural weight loss remedies: Another way out

  • Good Food: We divided your food into two categories:
  1. Good Food
  2. Bad Food

  • Good Food: These are products which are rich in fiber, natural vitamins and minerals in their natural form, not in the form of tablets. Examples are
  1. All kinds of cereals, unpolished brown rice, wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize etc
  2. All types of legumes
  3. All vegetables, except potatoes
  4. All types of fruits, with fewer bananas
  5. Any nuts
  6. All berries
  7. Green and black tea without sugar
  8. Extra-virgin olive oil

  • Bad Food: Bad food consists of junk food, packaged food, high fat or sugar etc. Examples are

  1. White flour and products made from white flour
  2. Starch
  3. Sugar
  4. Red meat
  5. Artificial fats
  6. Sugar products
  7. Food additives and artificial vitamins
  8. Sodas(very harmful to the digestive system)

Always remember to drink plenty of water which helps in the digestion of food.

  • Daily Workout: Physical activities such as jogging, gym are no less important than other natural weight loss remedies. Your sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons for metabolic disorders and obesity. Be sure to do morning exercises. It causes the blood to circulate more intensively and reaches to the smallest capillaries. There is a direct relationship between weight and cancer and doctors emphasize the role of berries, fruits and vegetables in maintaining normal weight and reducing the risk of cancer.

  • Meditation: Meditation and yoga are one of the oldest natural weight loss remedies. Every day you try to spend some time to focus on your abdominal breathing. Breathing methods stimulates gastrointestinal motility and accelerates the belly fat burning.
  • Sleep tight: Natural weight loss remedies also include sleeping. Lack of sleep can cause hormonal imbalance and thus weight gain. Ghrelin is a hormone that makes you feel hungry and Leptin, on the other hand, is a hormone who does the opposite, it sends signals to the brain to give you a feeling of being full or complete sense.

When someone is sleep deprived, leptin levels drop in their body and ghrelin levels rise. This subsequently stimulates their appetites, with a feeling to be constantly hungry even if you have finished eating.